Blog Name Generator and 9 tips on how to choose it

Blog name generator-

The first thing we do if we want to start our own blog, is to look for a proper domain name.

We all know finding a domain name is quite easy but finding the perfect one can be a bit more difficult task to do.

In such case you tend to look for help from different blog name generators who provides you with different options to choose from. Or help you give a good assumption/idea about how you can assemble a great domain name.

Before that here are 9 tips that will help to look for a perfect blog name.

  • Try to make .com extension as your bias extension for the domain name One of the reason for this is because, there is a high probability that the users will first search for your website name with .com extension rather than any other extensions.
  • Have a keyword in your domain name Having a keyword will give a good boost to your website rank. Having a keyword does not mean at all that you shall be forcing a keyword in your domain name. Always use a keyword that sounds sensible to the content you will be providing.
  • Keep it short Do not exceed you domain name with more than 10 characters.
  • Do not use numbers, hyphens nothing except for letters as your domain name.
  • Choose a name –
    • which is unique.
    • sounds a bit catchy.
    • is easy to remember.
    • which is easy to spell.
    • is easy to say.
  • If you consider two or three words as your domain name, if possible make it a bit rhythmic.
  • Always check whether your domain name sounds similar to an already existing brand name or not. Or simply avoid names that infringe on existing trademark. If you don’t, there is high chance that the owner of trademark may sue you for it.
  • Try choose a name within your niche that can insight a sense of trustworthiness among your viewers.
  • Your domain name should describe your content so that its easy for the viewers to understand what type of content your are providing. Although this point is not necessary but it is highly recommended.

Lastly check whether it is available or not.

Now, here are few of the blog name generators that may help you in your way.

Lean Search Domain blog name generator

lean search domain
  • It can provide you with 100+ domain name examples using just your niche.
  • The domain names can be sorted in different orders like – Popularity, All, Alphabetical.
  • The names can be filtered using Search Term Filter – All, Start with search term and Ends with search term.
  • It also shows whether that particular domain name is registered and available on twitter or not.

Name Mesh

  • Domain names are presented in different categories such as -Common, Similar, New, Fun, AI, Extra, Mix, Premium and SEO.
  • It also provides you with filters such as – Different Extensions ,Hide Registered domain and Maximum Length of characters for your domain name

Blogtyrant blog name generator

name generator
  • It generates you with a list of domain names with the entered word.
search result

Nameboy blog name generator

  • It generates a list of domain names with different extensions in it.
search result


  • Try to look for domain names with .com extensions.
  • Try to look for a short, unique and similar name to that of your content.
  • Different blog name generators are
    • Lean Search Domain
    • Name Mesh
    • Nameboy
    • Blogtyrant

Short Story of My Experience:

There was the time when I was looking for a proper domain name and was just too much focused on finding the right domain name. And due to this I was too blind to not see things that are right in front of me. One of my family member suggested me the domain name “blogitbig” which was a reference to my making it big dream. So sometimes have a conversation with the closest person you got. You just never know who can help you and who cannot.

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