Google core update December 2020 in brief

google update

Google core update 2020 is just another surprise that 2020 had definitely put aside for us.

It is said to be a massive core update since May 2020.

As always the moto behind google update is to just provide its users with the best possible search result available in its console. So it is quite clear it will be to related to it anyways.

Google has mentioned in the post that, it is not that anybody has violated any of the rules or regulation, but instead it is about how the system is going to asses the content overall.

They simplified it by giving an example : “The December 2020 core update – One way to think of how a core update operates is to imagine you made a list of the top 100 movies in 2015. A few years later in 2019, you refresh the list. It’s going to naturally change. Some new and wonderful movies that never existed before will now be candidates for inclusion. You might also reassess some films and realize they deserved a higher place on the list than they had before. “

So now the question is, if everything is up to the mark like the content and all, exactly what is effecting the sites due to google core update?

I looked here and there to find this answer and then I found this one point . For me it is quite a valid point.

Here it is…

According to Income School, it is mostly the bigger sites which are getting effected.

And the reason maybe is this particular point –

one of the valid points

“Is the content mass-produced by or outsourced to a large number of creators, or spread across a large network of sites, so that individual pages or sites don’t get as much attention or care?”

You can see in SEMrush, they have provided a brief summary of sites that gained or suffered due to this core update. They are..



google core update 2020

It shows that as per the SEMrush data, a few bigger sites went ahead while a few took a step back.

So the question is now that exactly what, income school is trying to convey us?

So they are saying that it is completely fine to own a bigger website.

The problem with that is when you have bigger site you tend to outsource a lot and neglect few things like the availability of social media links, availability of floods of traffic moving in to the websites through different links or lack in edits etc.

All in all, the visibility of life behind the website is quite missing as compared to others.

So apart from the content, they need to work on it as well to regain its position.

I think regardless of the size, it is a great lesson that we all must learn.

Whatever the size of your website is -small, medium, large ,it doesn’t matter. If you want to make it big, every lesson every point must be a treasure to you.

And also you must implement it likewise.

Only then you can make it really big.

I hope you got a brief idea about what the problem can actually be and will be able to implement your plans accordingly.

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