What is a blog?- Basic Of Blog To More Than That

What is a blog? Basic Of Blog To More Than That –

A blog is a few paragraphs of detailed information availed by an individual or a group of a person on a website.

Blogs are based explicitly on a particular niche(field) and are an informal but meticulous way of writing about a specific topic on a website.

Blogs are generally for public viewing and to share one’s knowledge to help others.

In today’s world, where people mostly turn to the internet to solve their problems, blogs render them with their handful of information to decode those definite problems.

History of blog -When did blogging start?

The word “blog” is a short form of a weblog.

It mostly started around 1994 but gained popularity somewhere during the year 1999.

It was just about online journals about one’s life or something relatable back then. But with time, people came to realize its potential and started venturing it into different fields.

What is blogging?

Blogging combines a few sets of skills required to run a blog, e.g., writing, selecting visuals, linking, posting, and sharing them on different media platforms, and many more.

What blogger means? Who is a blogger?

A blogger is someone who runs and maintains the entire blog. It is like any other profession like a teacher who teaches, a trained trainer, etc.

Bloggers share their experience and skills on the internet, which they have acquired over the period in their field. They help others reduce the hurdles they are yet or are about to confront.

Blog structure and what it contains?

The basic structure of a  blog i.e, a blog consists of:

  • Header – Website name and navigation bar(menu).
  • Sidebar(Right/left) -Recent post, Categories, Social media profiles etc.
  • Main Content area (Body)- You post your content, i.e., your blog post.
  • Footer- Privacy policy page, Relevant links, etc.

Is there any difference between a blog and a website?

Both a blog and a website have a domain(website name/URL) hosted by a server.

The only difference is that, in a blog, the content is the blog posts they post and share regularly or weekly. While in a website, the content is mainly in the form of static pages.

Nowadays, it is even more confusing for beginners to differentiate between the two. It is because many websites have started to post blog to connect well with their target audience.

So, don’t you worry, eventually, bit by bit, you will understand everything, and it will be just similar to a piece of cake.

Can you start a blog?

Yes, of course, people of every age group can blog.

If you have any set of skills or experience that you may think can be beneficial to many people, you can become a blogger.

And as per the writing part, not everybody is gifted with excellent writing skills. So either you can hire a writer or write it by yourself.

As we all know, the more we practice, the better we get. So the more you write, the more you get better. Therefore you can write it even by yourself.

Can we earn money through blogging?

Yes, you can earn money through blogging.

But it is not that simple. You see, there are thousands of websites just for one particular topic. And to earn, you need to rank your website in Google or have a decent amount of traffic.

Let me show you, let’s search for “tips while travelling abroad.”

Search result in google for tips while travelling abroad

The search result is humongous, although not all of them are updated.

So you get a chance to play, but to do so, you will require a lot of patience.

This is so because nothing will happen overnight, and it will indeed require quite a bit of time for your site to rank or garner traffic.

So my advice will be, stick to it, don’t give up, and eventually, you can see the result of your hard work, effort, time, and patience.

A few of the ways to earn money through blogging are:

  • Google AdSense.
  • Affiliate Marketing.
  • Selling digital products like ebooks, courses, software, and many more.

Requirements to start your blog:

  • Domain: Your website name.
  • Hosting: Server where you will be hosting your site.
  • Blogging platform: There are many blogging platforms, and one of them is WordPress. WordPress is a free, open-source platform where you can build a blog with dozens of free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes.

Conclusion -What is all about a blog?

These are which of the following best things that describes a blog:

  • Blog definition – Blogs are paragraphs containing a handful of information about a particular niche.
  • It is a way to share one’s knowledge and experience.
  • It is a way through which you can help others.
  • The basic structure comprises a header, sidebar, main content area, and footer.
  • It is something through which you can express and show your creative side with complete creative freedom.
  • It is a way to earn money.
  • You will require a blogging platform, domain, and hosting to start your blog.

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