14 Steps: How To Write Blog Post (Complete Beginner’s Guide)

How to write blog post

Are you excited about your new blog? Want people to love your content? Here’s how to write blog post with a visually clean look.

Now, if you look at your site as a whole, you will see that blog posts are typically the essential element that can add character to your site.

  • The way you present a topic.
  • The way you solve a particular problem.
  • The way you include humor in your posts.

All adds up to the characteristics of your site.

The design of your site is certainly important, but what good is it if you do not have a captivating and stirring post?

Plus, you must ensure that it covers all aspects of SEO to improve your site rank.

Check out this Content Management System (CMS) article that helps you to easily build your site.

So let us begin on how to write blog post.

Part 1- “how to write blog post”

1. Topic

If you are a beginner, choose an underused topic by others(blogger) yet is often searched by people.

It provides a less competitive environment for your blog post to shine through. And also adds a point to your ranking factor.

2. Keyword

After selecting a specific topic, place it on keyword research tools such as:

  • Ahrefs.
  • Moz.
  • Buzzsumo.
  • Ubersuggest.

Observe its volume and SEO difficulty.

The volume represents traffic, while the SEO difficulty represents the difficulty in ranking your content.

The volume will always be higher, while the SEO difficulty will always be lower.

If you are still unable to discover your target keyword after following the above steps, go deeper.

Use the child-keywords which appeared below the parent keyword to research further. It will help you find your target keyword.

Also, keep in mind that anything might be helpful at any moment, so extract all of the keywords and other essential information and save it in your folder.

3. Topic Research

Set your target audience as a top priority and try to understand them.

Look for,

  • What are they searching for?
  • What exactly do they want to know?

And then compose your blog post.

Go to,

  • The “People also ask” section.

It gives you a vivid idea of what your audience must be looking for.

Copy all of the questions you wish to answer and add them to the list of topics that you will be discussing in your blog post.


  • Do detailed research on google to back your facts.
  • Use resources from well-known bloggers as an example to back up your claims.

How can using examples to back up facts help you?

It helps to build trust between you and your audience, plus it also helps your audience learn more about that topic.

4. Word Count

Word count matters a lot. If you want your post to perform exceptionally well, go for 2000 or above 2000 words per post.

Google will always look for the best content to present before its users.

Therefore, a higher word count can make Google prioritize your blog post more than others.

It might be because Google bots are always looking for a diversity of terms used in a blog article and postings with more information to give.

At the same time, please, don’t go on to fill up your post with irrelevant points just for the sake of increasing your word count. It won’t work at all.

Neil Patel has given a detailed overview of the optimum content length for each industry.

  • FinTech – 2,000 – 2,150 words
  • Finance – 2500
  • Manufacturing – 1900
  • Sales – 2700
  • Real estate – 1900
  • Home and garden – 1200
  • Tech – 1000
  • Gadgets – 500
  • Marketing/Advertising – 3000
  • Healthcare – 2000
  • Fashion – 950
  • Recruiting – 1000
  • Travel – 1850
  • Food – 1900
  • Film – 1700
Word Count

This chart will surely help you have a rough idea of the word count for your industry.

If you are still confused and think that, is it always essential to produce a post of more than 2000 words?

In that case, I will suggest you go through all the top searches for that specific keyword.

If you see that others are making posts of 1500 words, you must write a post of 2000 words or more.

Your word count will behave like a tweak for your post to rank.

For this reason, it’s better to have more word count in your post.

5. Template

How are templates helpful while writing a blog post?

  • Firstly, let’s say you have a ton of data to provide on a particular topic. But this ton of information can get overwhelming for the visitor to consume.

A proper template must be followed to keep that information in a more composed and collected format to overcome such situations.

  • Secondly, it helps you create an outline that allows you to visualize the layout of your posts.

Example: the placements of a specific topic, points to include, and also its conclusion.

An outline can also help overcome writer’s block by giving it a direction to write on. And also helps the writer follow the rule “write better write now” i.e, to write instantly with the help of a perfect outline.

It also creates a direction for the readers to follow and this why do people like to write more. This direction will help them connect to your approach and understand your point of view on that topic.

Always remember the main USP of your template must be bullet points.

The more you sort the data in points, the easier it is for the visitors to read & the more probability it will be for a visitor to stay.

Points assist you in creating a visually appealing structure for your facts, figures, and statistics.

Thus, people are more likely to read it further, decreasing your site’s bounce rate.

Example: “How to write blog posts”, Template,

It can also be your article of the week template(wink).


When I first started writing blog posts, there was just one pattern that I mostly followed: Introduction, Main Content, Conclusion.

But with each post, I got a clear idea about the post’s layout.

The layout should be more composed so that each piece of information seems more collected, making it much simpler to read.

Try to use the same template, but of course, it depends upon the type of post you will be delivering.

I recommend that you browse through all of the websites of prominent bloggers in your niche and learn from them. Is everyone using the same template, or are they not?

If you study their website and profile, you can learn all the small details to consider that do matter in the ranking of your post.

Topic selection done, keyword research done, word count analysis done, template selected or created, all checked. Now, let’s begin writing the post.

Part 2- “how to write blog post”

6. Attention crabbing/Intriguing headlines (Title tags)

As we know, the Google search index provides its user with a list of posts based on a similar or relevant topic.

Attention-grabbing headlines are one of the things apart from meta description that will compel the readers to click through and read out your post.

Now let’s dive into feelings that you should convey through your title.

  • Time is running out so, grab the opportunity before it leaves.
  • Do not dare to move forward before reading out this crucial point.
  • One particular element that you overlooked. And if you do it again, it will no longer be a fault.

Also, remember you shall never fail to deliver what you have promised to give. Therefore create headlines accordingly.

Also, check 7 Blog Title writing tips to increase your click through rate.

7. Introduction

The introduction is where you must show your creativeness. Whether by using a famous joke, an emotion, or your incredible sense of humour.

All of this is because this is the place where you must catch your readers attention before encouraging them to read your blog post.

” The essential difference between emotion and reason is that emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions. -Donald Calne “

This quote summarizes the purpose of your introduction.

An “emotion” that will help you connect to your audience. Following that, people will read it, which may also further result in a conversion.

And the “reason” is the solution which you will provide to clear out their doubts. It will help them decide whether or not to read more about it.

Things you must include in your introduction?

  • Identify a problem.
  • Promise to solve the problem.
  • A Peek into what unique/important information you will be bringing out.
  • A sentence expressing emotion such as-
    • frustration
    • excitement
    • confusion
    • fear
    • amusement
    • stress
    • desires etc.


  • Excitement

Came to New York for the first time? Gonna be here for few days? Have an appetite for New York-style pizza?

Here are the best pizza places where you can drop by before you leave.

  • Stress

Wondering what point you may have missed while writing your first post?

Here are some valuable points from how to write a resources page that you might have missed to include in your checklist.

These examples also show you how to transition from addressing their problem to your main post.

8. Categorize Your Data

All the parts and subparts can be categorized using subheadings(H2, H3) and bullet points.

8.1. Subheading

First and foremost, keep in mind that you can use the H1 tag only once in your entire blog post.

It signifies the title and even SEO recognizes it as the title of your post. As a result, if it encounters more than one H1 tag in your blog article, it may create confusion.

While H2, H3, and so on are the tags that help you define your blog subheadings and nested subheadings.

SEMrush – ” If your blog post is a book, subheadings are the chapters. “

Therefore use it accordingly.

8.2. Bullet Points

Bullet points make content easier to read because,

  • It’s visually attention grabbing.
  • It breaks overwhelming long paragraphs.
  • It’s easier to scan through.
  • It makes navigation easier.
  • Help consume data more quickly.
  • The information is structured cohesively.

9. Use of Videos, Images, Infographics, Charts etc.

Overwhelmingly long paragraphs can leave the readers with a mundane experience.

It is where visuals such as infographics and charts come into play.

  • First, the foremost thing the human eye notices is colour.

According to a journal, “Technical Communication- psychologically colour enhances and adds interest within us“.

It breaks the monotony of words and captures the attention of your readers in a visibly effective way.

  • Second, visuals like pictures, infographics, charts, and so on assists your reader in envisioning your content.

Click to know, how to turn your image into an SEO Optimized Image.

Suppose a baby knows the word apple and that it is round and orange. Here it knows what to think when it hears the word apple.

However, the image will stay blurry until he/she sees a clear picture of an apple.

Therefore, visuals make the learning process easier, faster and engaging.

And a happy reader equals good chances of conversion.

Want to know more about conversion.

10. Conclusion

What can you add to the conclusion?

  • A brief note about your post.
  • Reason on why should people read your post carefully. Include the most significant aspect of your post.
  • If your post is about a tutorial, you may provide your readers with some pointers on how they can enhance their abilities.
  • Final thoughts about your post.
  • Pose a question to your readers and seek their feedback.
  • Add “Call to Action(CTA)”.

Example :
Download their free template, subscribe to their premium content for free, etc.

11. Include Links

Links using anchor text will help readers explore your other blog posts.

Example Let’s say the post is about ” How to decorate a cake “.

Then you can link it to -” Types of nozzles to decorate your cake “.

Important SEO tip, The word(s) used for anchor text must express the topic of your article.

Example, Nozzles shall be linked to “Types of nozzles to decorate your cake” and not “Essential ingredients required for baking“.

Part 3- “how to write blog post”

12. Proofread

It is the final stage of the editing cycle in which you read your blog aloud to mark your error and correct them.

Well-known bloggers typically say that the best approach to proofread your content is to read it aloud or with a fresh mind.

It helps you make a checklist of all the grammatical errors, typos, and weird sentences where correction is needed.

13. Meta Description

It is a way to provide additional information about your post apart from the title of the post.


  • Add at least one keyword in your meta description. It helps in ranking in the search result.
  • Give a peek into the juiciest part of your content. It can generate curiosity among readers.
Meta Description

14. Featured Image

It is an image that appears with the title and meta description.

Use it to communicate your subject of conversation. You may also exhibit some creativity, which will help you capture the interest of your audience.

These are the essential points that you must remember every time you write a blog post.


How to write an article online-

  • Topic you with a lesser competitive environment can help your post to shine through.
  • Do a bit more research to find your target keyword.
  • Use the “People also ask” section to understand your audience needs.
  • Use word count according to your industry.
  • Create an outline to overcome writer’s block.
  • Attention-grabbing headlines will compel the readers to read out your post.
  • Promise to solve you reader’s problem while writing introduction.
  • Parts and subparts can be categorized using subheadings(H2, H3) and bullet points.
  • Videos, Images, Infographics, Charts can help overcome a mundane experience.
  • Anchor text will help your readers explore your other blog posts.
  • Read out your blog to mark your errors and correct them.
  • Add keyword in your meta description.

Hope, now you can create a perfect blog post that will not only help you but your readers as well.

Also, let me know if I forgot something to include in my post. I will include that as well.

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